Tales from the Vineyard

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Grape Vine Haircuts

The vines are progressing. This time of year you can almost see them growing. We are slowly winning the battle against the weeds. Now its time to start shoot thinning. Basically, the new growth is a bit too bushy. So we clean off the stray shoots- kind of give them their first haircut of the season.

Here's a "before and after" shot


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Weed Wacker Whoops

Did you know that you could sever a half inch piece of pvc pipe with a weed wacker? Well somebody can, as my dh, Matthew found out this morning. I was tying up drip irrigation tubing. My brother Tony, was burning weeds with a propane torch while Matthew weed wacked under the vines.
"Uh-oh" says Matthew. "Somebody just cut this pipe right off with the weed wacker. Maybe you should look at this."
I raised an eyebrow at him and mumbled that I'd look at it after I finished my row.
Not more than 2 minutes later, he says, "Oops. Somebody did it again."
Sure enough that somebody had wacked another one. I made a mental note not to turn somebody loose with the propane torch.
No big deal though, Tony had the pipes repaired in no time and Matthew managed to keep somebody clear of any more pipe.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tractor and the Dance of Successful Repair.

This week, my husband Matthew, started mowing in the vineyard. Some of the grass had grown past knee-high.
Well, Matthew was nearly finished for the day when he decided to swing the tractor past our tasting patio. He stopped to chat with me for a minute. "How's your day-What's for supper?" that sort of thing. When he turned the key to restart the tractor, smoke started puffing out from under the dash. That is not a good sign. The tractor wouldn't start, so Matthew left it sitting right in front of the tasting patio. Not exactly the most convenient place for it to die, but what are you going do?
The next day, Matthew and I towed the tractor back down to the barn so I could look at it. Matthew worked the tasting patio while I stared at the melted wires that snaked under and through the tractor body. I figured something has shorted and burned up the wire. My powers of observation amaze even me.
I checked the battery, still good and holding a charge. I checked the solenoid/starter. They turned over when jumper-ed from the battery. I checked the safety switches, all good. I even checked the ignition switch, it too was good. So I ended up removing the burnt up main wiring harness and replacing the melted bits. I reinstalled the wiring harness and with a short prayer, I turned the ignition key.
The tractor fired right up. I thanked God. Matthew and the dogs joined me in a rousing "Dance of Successful Repair".

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

First Post of 2007

Well I'm ashamed to say it's May and thisis my first post of 2007. I've got all sorts of excuses, but suffice it to say, I will be posting more often in the near future.